In 1935 the construction of Clarion-Limestone was off to a great start. The summer of 1936 brought to the area a new High School for the surrounding area. The very first year consisted of eight teachers, four grades (9-12) just over one hundred students, and only two sports teams. Now the High School consists of over thirty-five teachers, six grades (7-12), over three hundred fifty students and, over fifteen sports teams. The school went from having just text books and manual typewriters to each student having a Chromebook, interactive Promethean panels in classrooms, and other various technologies. As you can see our school has changed throughout the years. This site is to show some of the history of the school and how it got to be the facility that we have today.
Our History
On October 1st 1936 the first day began at Clarion-Limestone High School.
Pictured above is the first staff that worked at Clarion-Limestone School. This staff only consisted of twenty-five people.
The very first faculty consisted of ten members.
These members included:. Grace D. Stewart, Nell MClane, Esther L Froyermuth, Margaret Sherry, Rosetta Kindel, Nabel Love,
M.H. Collett (Principal) Joseph W. Kenny, Bird E. Riley, and Maude Reynolds.

Sports of 1937
As far a sports goes there weren't very many. There was boys basketball, girls basketball, and the Independents.
Clarion Limestone Boys Basketball
The first boys basketball team consisted of ten boys. There were five forwards; Wilson Aaron, Donald Shoup, Clair Smith, Sylvester Harnish, and Phillip Reigel. There were four guards; Earl Smith, Howard Burgoon, Joseph Galbraith, and Donald Love. There also was one center Cameron Miller.
The first year the boys played fifteen games against Ashland, East Brady, Corsica Union, Rimersburg, Clarion, New Bethlehem and Sligo.
Out of the fifteen games the boys lost all of them but gained some great experience.
Clarion Limestone Girls Basketball
The first girls team consisted of nine girls; Regina Ion, Betty Dinger, Ann Palo, Roella Marshall, Dorthy Olson, Ann Dinger, Margaret Dills, Helen Burnham, and Pauline Miles.
The girls had eleven games their first season playing, Corsica Union, Rimersburg, Clarion, New Bethlehem, Sligo, and Brookville.
The girls also lost all of their games but also had some great learning experiences.

The classes of 1937 were able to do five things to represent their class. They had class officers, class colors, a class flower, and class moto.
Wilson Aaron, Russel Buzard, Betty Collett, Agnes Connor, Edwin Corbet, Rita Crates, Glenn Cyphert, Margaret Dills, Milford Eshbaugh, Charles Fye, Joseph Galbraith, Geraldine George, Louiso Girt, Sylvester Harnish, Helen Hallor, Regina Ion, Ellen Johnson, Clara Leadbetter, Richard Miller, Ann Palo, Clair Reinsel, Paul Repoff, Florence Rosenquest, Glenn Sigworth, Jane Servey, Donald Shoup, Clair Smith, Albert Speer, Virginia Stahlman, and Herbert Van Allen
The very first class of seniors consisted of 30 students
Class Officers: President- Joseph Galbraith Vice-President- Geraldine George Secretary- Helen Hollar Treasurer- Donald Shoup
The Class Motto: "A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins."
The Class Flower: The White Carnation
The Class Colors: Green and White
The very first class of juniors consisted of 31 students
Class Officers: President- Tony Dills Vice-President Hazel Aaron Secretary- Rose Miller Treasurer Josephene George
The Class Motto:"Hitch your wagon to a star."
The Class Flower: Rose
The Class Colors: Crimson and White
Mary Jane Aaron, Helen Burnham, Harry Beveridge, Phyllis Collett, Gerald Cummings, Thomas Crate, Agnes Cyphert, A. Eizabeth Cyphert, Elizabeth J. Cyphert, Mabel Cyphert, Anne Dick, Ann Dinger, Robert Eshbaugh, Elaine Balbraith, June Girt, James Harnish, Bill Harrison, Sarah Harrison, Margaret Hollar, Grant King, Pauline Miles, Phillip Reigle, Walter Reinsel, Dorthy Riley, June Schreckengost, Phyllis Servey, Isabel Slater, William Smathers, James Smith, Rayburn Smith, Junior Stahlman, Stella Styers, Blaine Thompson, Ruth Waldorf, Bety Wells, Kathryn Wenner, and Verna Wenner
The first sophmore class consisted of 37 students
Class Officers:President- A. Elizabeth Cyphert Vice-President- Philip Reigle Secretary- Ann Dinger Treasurer Bill Harrison
Class Motto: "Work and progress go together"
Class Flower: Lilly-of-the-Valley
Class Colors: Orange and Black
Roy Aaron, Earl Allison, Albert Arment, Ruth Bartley, Ruth Beveridge, Kenneth Baughman, Lawrence Burgoon, Clifford Clinger, Nancy Corbett, Jennie Cordone, Katheryn Cordone, Marry Davis, Marry Edder, Hazle Edwards, Ralph Ferry, John Fye, Charles Gross, Rayburn George, Frances Hindman, John Hindman, Milton Harp, Theresa Markley, Eugene Mercer, Julia Miller, Kenneth Miller, Clarence Leadbetter, Florence Nale, Margaret Neuland, Audeen Neal, Dorothy Olson, Wilma Rankin, Nelson Reinsel, Howard Rhoads, Wayne Rossey, Twila Seigworth, Charles Servey, Eugene Shoup, Max Shoup, Louise Stahlman, Donald Smail, Anna Stahlman, Louise Stahlman, John Strattan, and Nellie Toy
The very first freshman class consisted of 45 students
Class Officers: President- Earl Allison Vice-President-Charles Servey Secretary-Wilma Rankin Treasurer-Max Shoup